H(in alphabetical order)
1st perf: Clive Williamson (pf), Guildford International Music Festival, University of Surrey, 15 March 2005.
1st perf: Duo Antithesis (Dimitris Karydis and Petros Moschos), Rügländer Wasserschloss, Bavaria, Germany, 10 July 2005; 1st broadcast perf: same performers, 5 December 2005 (Radio Bavaria 4); 1st Irish perf: same players, National Concert Hall, Dublin, 19 June, 2006; 1st UK perf: Helen & Harvey Davies, Tabernacle, Machynlleth (Machynlleth Festival), Wales, 22 August, 2006.
DREAM-IMAGES (1997) 15'
solo piano
Commissioned for the 1997 Machynlleth Festival by the Machynlleth Tabernacle Trust
I. Winding Paths
II. Interlude I
III. Distant Fountains
II. Interlude I
III. Distant Fountains
IV. Interlude II
V. Weeping Trellises
V. Weeping Trellises
1st perf, Mvt V: Gretel Dowdeswell, St Andrew’s Church, Presteigne, 28 August 1996; 1st perf, complete work: Martin Roscoe, Tabernacle, Machynlleth, 30 August 1997. Toured throughout the UK and South Africa by Martin Roscoe in 1997.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref H438
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref H438
Barely four minutes long, Weeping Trellises is an elegantly crafted integration of two clearly contrasted ideas, its crystalline pianism owes something to the later Debussy . . .
Christopher Morley, The Birmingham Post, 30 August 1996
Rhian Samuel hat nun ihr Bild von schmalen kurvigen Wegen in Töne gesetzt, deren Ablauf entsprechende Erinnerungen beim Zuhörer hervorufen... Alles in allem durchaus beeindruckende, weil nachvollziehbare Tongemälde, die Claudia-Elizabeth Schurr zu überzeugendem Leben erweckte.
Reinhold Teitz, Der Neue Tag, Leipzig, 26 June, 2007
solo piano
Commissioned by Russell Hirshfield
1st perf: Russell Hirshfield, Keble College, Oxford, 18 October, 2013; 1st US perf: Russell Hirshfield, Ives Concert Hall, Western Connecticut State University, Connecticut, USA, 28 October, 2013.
Pub. Tŷ Cerdd, 2017
GARLAND FOR ANNE, A (2003) 10'
solo piano
Written for the 70th birthday of the poet Anne Stevenson
1st perf, Mvts I, II, IV: Chenyin Li, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London, 3 June 2003; 1st perf, complete work: Chenyin Li, Linklaters, 1 Silk St, Barbican, 18 May, 2005.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref Y200
Dedicated to poet Anne Stevenson, the five pieces have titles taken from her poems and the piano writing is appropriately colourful and descriptive. Fifths and octaves shared between the hands, in continually changing metre, drive forward the exciting ‘Four-and-a-half Dancing Men’, whilst sharply contrasting sections in ‘The Therapy of Moonlight’ seem to evoke in turn its serenity and its shimmering effects.
Pamela Lidiard, Piano Professional, January 2006
solo piano
Commissioned by Surrey University
1st perf: Clive Williamson (pf), Guildford International Music Festival, University of Surrey, 15 March 2005.
Pub. in One-minute Wonders, Vol. 1 (with CD), Cadenza Music (www.cadenza-music.com)
piano duet
1st perf: Duo Antithesis (Dimitris Karydis and Petros Moschos), Rügländer Wasserschloss, Bavaria, Germany, 10 July 2005; 1st broadcast perf: same performers, 5 December 2005 (Radio Bavaria 4); 1st Irish perf: same players, National Concert Hall, Dublin, 19 June, 2006; 1st UK perf: Helen & Harvey Davies, Tabernacle, Machynlleth (Machynlleth Festival), Wales, 22 August, 2006.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref Y223
solo piano
Dedicated to the memory of Joel Revzen.
I Toccata II Sarabande
IV Aria
V Finale
V Finale
1st perf: Recording in 'lockdown' by Chenyin Li, Birsen Ulucan, Jocelyn Freeman, Russell Hirshfield and Alexander Karpeyev, July 2020.
Pub. Tŷ Cerdd.
solo piano
IV Falling Star
V Mechanical Study III
V Mechanical Study III
1st perf: Jennifer Lee, Eglise de Ciboure, France, 5 August 2011 (‘Les Raveliades’ Festival)
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref Y288.
Graves syncopés et aigus cliquetant, entre Scott Joplin et «Jeux d’eau», contemporain mais audible.
Jacques Garay, Journal Sud Ouest, 8 August 2011
MOSAICS (1988 rev. April, 2017)
for solo piano in 3 mvts
1st perf: Patsy Wade, piano, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennesse, USA, 17 October, 1991
[Copies available from the composer]
OFF TO NARITA (2001) 13'
solo piano
1st perf: Helen Reid, Blackheath Concert Halls, London, 8 October 2002.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref Y194
SERENADE DUO (2004) 5 ½’
two pianos
1st perf: Piano Duo Antithesis (Dimitris Karydis and Petros Moschos), Steinway Hall, Miami, Florida, USA, 26 January 2005; 1st UK perf: same performers, Purcell Room, London, 1 February 2005.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase (two copies supplied), ref Y219
. . . it’s a fascinating, brilliant, full-on, five-minute concert piece. . . superbly crafted for a well-matched duo and is a worthy addition to the repertoire.
John York, Piano, July/August 2005
solo piano
1. Hot Shoes
2. Hill Shadows
3. Wind Song
Ist perf, no 1: Moli Ormrod, piano (aged 9), Alderley Edge Music Festival, Cheshire, 4 May, 2004.
solo piano
Commissioned by Russell Hirshfield
1st perf: Russell Hirshfield, piano, Ives Concert Hall, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, Connecticut, USA, 17 April 2015.
Pub. Tŷ Cerdd, 2016
two pianos
I. Hedfan (Flying)
II. Galar (Grief)
III. Igamogam (Zig-Zag)
II. Galar (Grief)
III. Igamogam (Zig-Zag)
1st perf: Micallef-Inanga Piano Duo, Purcell Room, London, 8 February 1999.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase (two copies supplied), ref AC166
AD LUCEM (2018) 13'
for organ
Commissioned by David Titterington
1st perf: David Titterington, Royal Academy of Music, London, 18 Sept, 2018.
Pub. Tŷ Cerdd, 2018. On CD, Tom Winpenny, 'St Albans Experience', Willowhaye Records.
solo organ
Commissioned by William Whitehead for the Orgelbüchlein Project, sponsored by Hywel Williams
1st perf: Timothy Wakerell, organ, New College Chapel, Oxford, 22 February, 2015.
Pub. Tŷ Cerdd, 2016
1st perf: Martin Souter, St George’s Chapel, Windsor, 2 October 1992; performed in Europe and the USA by Dame Gillian Weir in 1999.
FEL BLODEUYN (LIKE A FLOWER) (1992, rev. 1993) 10'
solo organ
Commissioned for the Reading University Centenary Concert
1st perf: Martin Souter, St George’s Chapel, Windsor, 2 October 1992; performed in Europe and the USA by Dame Gillian Weir in 1999.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref AC14
solo organ
Commissioned for organ anthology, 'Gregoriana', ed. Anna Lapwood.
Pub. S&B in 'Gregoriana'
TENDER BRANCH, THE (2023) c.6'
solo organ
1st perf: Steven Grahl, organ, Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge, 11 Feb, 2024.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref Y374
solo harpsichord
1st perf: Jane Chapman, Fenton House, Hampstead, London, 5 July 2007.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref Y231.
In performance, this piece may stand alone or follow Silver Threads [see below] ... I will enjoy getting to know these pieces better – no hardship, for they are both quite easy.
Michael Round, Music Teacher, December 2006
solo harpsichord
In memory of Gerry Farrell
1st perf: Jane Chapman, SPNM Concert, Wapping Hydraulic Power Station, London, 13 March 2007.
Pub. S&B. Copies available for purchase, ref Y232.
With its companion piece Copper Ribbons ... Silver Threads is the most rewarding keyboard composition this month. . . This thoughtful piece is mostly monodic and carefully developed towards a central point that may remind you of Debussy’s Les tierces alternées; it lies comfortably under the fingers ... and a suitably coupled two-manual instrument will make light of all the hand-crossing.
Michael Round, Music Teacher, December 2006